COVID-19 Treatment Update - Webinars

ALERRT partnered with the African Academy of Sciences, Africa CDC and WHO AFRO and PANDORA-ID-NET to deliver two webinars on treatments for COVID-19 and the clinical research landscape in Africa.

REMAP-CAP and Why We Need Platform Trials in a Pandemic: An Open Webinar

The purpose of this webinar is to introduce the concept of adaptive platform trials, introduce REMAP-CAP to new countries, and seek input into what the barriers might be and whether any adaptations might be required for different settings around the world? Platform trials will be discussed more broadly, as they can bring evidence across the whole disease spectrum and so can be considered in primary care settings, district hospitals, and community-level interventions to determine what interventions can work in a variety of situations. 

The link to the webinar on youtube can be accessed here.