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The Global Health Network WHO Collaborating Centre

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Further information


The WHO has developed the SOLIDARITY trial platform to assess potential therapies for COVID-19. The aim is for thousands of patients to be recruited globally, with standardised data capture that can be easily shared. Currently this protocol has been developed with four treatment arms, but it can be changed at any time and there is scope for adapting this to different settings, and potentially, different endpoints.



 A Randomised, Embedded, Multi-factorial, Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia.

REMAP-CAP is an international platform trial, the broad objective of which is to determine and continuously update the optimal set of treatments for severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). CAP is a leading cause of death from infection globally, with lower respiratory tract infection implicated in approximately 3 million deaths in 2016. This makes it the fourth most common cause of death world-wide, and the leading cause of death in developing countries. Bacterial and viral infections are responsible for the vast majority of CAP.

The REMAP-CAP protocol has been devloped so that eligible patients are randomised to receive one intervention in each of one or more categories of CAP treatment (“domains”). These interventions (e.g. antibitotics, antivirals, steroids) can be tested simultaneously. Over 50 sites are currently participating in the trial globally.

A direct link to the REMAP-CAP website can be found here.

COVID-19 Open Cohort Study (COCS)

The Mbale Clinical Research Institute (MCRI), based in Mbale, Uganda, is currently conducting the COVID-19 Open Cohort Study (COCS). The aim of the study is to refine case definitions, establish incidence of the pandemic and to characterise the clinical spectrum and outcomes of the disease among different populations.

As part of COCS, the MCRI is currently conducting a survey to gain a better understanding of the definitions, clinical picture, determinants and distribution of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) across various populations and geographical locations globally.

An invitation to Respond to Baseline Study Survey can be found here.


INTERCOVID: COVID-19 in pregnancy



A prospective cohort study of the effects of COVID-19 in pregnancy and the neonatal period run by the University of Oxford. The researchers will be recruiting women who have been exposed and not-exposed to SARS-CoV-2 at any stage of pregnancy, and following them and their newborns until hospital discharge to quantify the risks associated with the exposure.

An article that explains the COVID-19 in pregnancy study can be found here.

Already over 60 medical institutions in 29 countries have agreed to participate, which means the study should have sufficient power to provide invaluable answers. More are welcome to join us by contacting





CovidTrauma is a research network to monitor how the current COVID-19 pandemic is impacting orthopaedic trauma services across Africa. It aims to promote cooperation as an orthopaedic community to tackle this unprecedented challenge.


In order to enrol as a key member of this network please follow the link and register your hospital. Anyone, irrespective of grade or job role, can register their facility to join the COVID trauma research network. This short registration questionnaire takes less than 5 minutes to complete and is followed by a simple weekly 3-minute questionnaire about the impact of the pandemic on your orthopaedic trauma service.

Links to surveys:

- In English

- In French