This project is the result of a partnership between the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and The Global Health Network (University of Oxford) and was funded by the project "Covid-19: Strengthening Global Research Collaboration and Impact by Sharing Methods, Tools and Knowledge Between Countries, Networks and Organisations" (MRC/UK; NIHR/UK) and network collaboration with research centres in Brazil, Mexico and Ecuador. 

Under the general coordination of researchers Flávia Thedim Costa Bueno (Fiocruz/Brazil) and Gustavo Correa Matta (Fiocruz/Brazil), and the technical coordination of Juliana Kabad (Fiocruz/Brazil), it had a team composed by researchers and social scientists Cristina Yepez (Ecuador), May-ek Querales (Mexico) and Nidilaine Dias (Brazil), and research assistant Priscila Cardia Petra (Brazil). In addition, a scientific advisory committee was formed to take part in the discussions and evaluate the work during its realization, the fruit of cooperation and networking. The participation of these researchers was fundamental for the realization of this research. They are part of the committee: Ana Lúcia Pontes (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/Brazil), Arlinda Moreno (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/Brazil), Consuelo Fernández-Salvador (Universidad San Francisco de Quito/Ecuador), Gustavo Matta (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/Brazil), Ruben Muñoz (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social/México) and Renata Cortez (Mexico).


Flávia Bueno (Brazil)
PhD in Global Health
Project coordinator
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz/Brazil)


Juliana Kabad (Brazil)
PhD in Public Health
Technical Coordinator
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz/Brazil)


Cristina Yépez Arroyo (Ecuador)
PhD candidate in Anthropology
Universidad de McGill


May-ek Querales (Mexico)
PhD in Anthropology
Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales – UNAM (Mexico)


Priscila Cardia Petra (Brazil)
Assistant researcher
PhD candidate in Bioethics
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz/Brazil) -PPGBIOS