Implementing research studies during this pandemic can be made faster and easier by working collaboratively
CLICK below to explore each Working Group
The new 7 Working Groups have a directive, a steering group and a strong set of tasks that they are already advancing. They are meeting and working together to share ideas, form collaborations and seek funding to support rapid research implementation around the globe.
The following map shows the amazing team leaders of these Working Groups.
COVID-19 Research Implementation Hub
The Global Health Network is maintining a cross-linking collection of resources designed to aid COVID-19 research during the pandemic. The COVID-19 hub is divided into 7 research areas, each corresponding to a Working Group listed above. Each research area features its own collection of resources designed to aid COVID-19 research in that particular field, inlcuding resources developed by The WHO, ISARIC, TGHN and it's collabraotrs and many other international research organisations.
Use the buttons below to navigate the areas of the COVID-19 Research Implementation Hub