groups » Intervention Trials Open Working Group » Who are you and what do you want from this WG?

We have set this group up, and this specific topic, for you to tell us who you are and what you would like to get out of this WG, what do you need help with, etc

Tell us a little about who you are, what you do, where and why you do it and how this WG could be a valuable tool for you.


  • bmariamhassan bmariamhassan 4 Aug 2020

    Thank you for sharing your details . Your expertise would be certainly valuable for our group work . Please feel free to comment on our concept protocol . I am sure we can benefit greatly from your experience

  • nodarkipshidze Nodar Kipshidze 21 Jul 2020

    Hello everyone! My name is Nodar Kipshidze. I work for a biotechnology start-up as the lead for our clinical affairs team. I also have a Masters in Public Health, with training and prior experience in infectious disease epidemiology (specifically: Zika Virus, HIV/AIDS, and Ebola). I am experienced in designing many epidemiological and clinical studies/trials in a variety of settings, developing both the study design and biostatistical aspects of said studies. In addition to study design, I have managed many global trials from start-up through close-out. I am so excited to join this workgroup and look forward to helping in any way I can!

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